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Play Setup
Technical guides to help you set up Plays
16 articles
Testing Cross-Sell Predictions Block
Setting Up Per Product / Per Category Branching
Setting Up Reorder CTA Headers/Footers
Add Subscription Product Suggestions to Any EmailEasily integrate subscription product suggestions into email campaigns or flows to convert customers who are primed to subscribe
Automatically Reach Subscription Ready CustomersIdentify and connect with customers on the verge of placing a subscription order via email or SMS
Maximize Subscriptions with Post-Purchase MessagesTransform one-time buyers into subscribers with post-purchase emails and Personalized Carts
Grow Subscribers With Simple Content BlocksUtilize Personalized Carts to enhance conversion at every customer touchpoint, from post-purchase to winback flows.
Bring Back Lapsing Customers With PostcardsFocus on customers who are at risk of lapsing and automatically send postcards with a strong offer to encourage them to return
Lapse Prevention BannerA dynamic banner for any flow or campaign email to offer at-risk customers your best discount
Lapse Prevention FlowTrigger an email or sms flow for customers in the moment before they are predicted to never to return again.
Suggest Predicted Products AnywhereUse Repeat’s Product Predictions to suggest a customer’s next favorite product in any email campaign or flow
Cross-sell Your Best SellersUse an automated email or SMS featuring your best sellers to drive a customer to their next favorite
Cross-sell Predicted ProductsNudge customers towards their next purchase when they’re primed for a cross-sell
Use Collections Metadata to Power Cross-Sell Product Prediction BranchingReuse any collection-specific campaign emails in a Cross-sell flow to deliver a personalized experience your customers.