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Due to Replenish Events
Updated over 9 months ago

About Due to Replenish Events

Repeat's Due to Replenish event lets you trigger automations in your email or SMS tools when customers are running low on a product that they purchased previously. The event also contains some properties that will help you personalize your messaging.


Repeat’s Replenishment trigger is designed to help you reach your customers when they’re ready to replenish a product. Here's how it works:

  • We ingest your store's order history and identify the typical replenishment times of each product.

  • We identify when a customer orders a specific product, and consider things like other products they purchased at the same time and other orders placed since they made the purchase.

  • When the customer is likely running low, Repeat knows. At that point, we’ll send an event to your integrated email and SMS platforms so you can kick off a flow or journey to remind them to re-up.

Klaviyo Event Properties

The Due to Replenish Klaviyo event contains these properties:




Repeat Cart URL

URL of the customer's Personalized Cart

{{ event|lookup:'Repeat Cart URL' }}

Subscription Repeat Cart URL

URL of the customer's Personalized Cart with subscription enabled by default

{{ event|lookup:'Subscription Repeat Cart URL' }}


List of products that the customer is currently due to replenish

Array of objects

{{ event.reorderableProducts }}

Note: Product variables below are shown as used in a dynamic table with event.reorderableProducts as the "Row collection" and item as the "Row alias"

‣ product

Details of a reorderable product

‣ id

Product's Shopify ID
e.g. 12345

{{ }}

‣ title

Product's title
e.g. "Fizz In A Can"

{{ item.product.title }}

‣ price

Product's price
e.g. "24.00"

{{ item.product.price }}

‣ subscription_price

Product's price when purchased with a subscription plan

e.g. "20.00"

{{ item.product.subscription_price }}

‣ handle

Handle of the product used in the URL of the online store
e.g. "fizz-in-a-can"

{{ item.product.handle }}

‣ images

Object containing details about the product's images
Array of objects

‣ src

The URL of the product's primary image

{{ item.product.images.0.src }}

‣ variant

Details about the product's variant

‣ id

Variant's Shopify ID
e.g. 56789

{{ }}

‣ title

Variant's title
e.g. "6 Pack"

{{ item.product.variant.title }}


List all product IDs of reorderable products
Array of numbers
e.g. [12345, 56789]

{{ event.reorderable_product_ids }}


List all product product titles of reorderable products
Array of strings
e.g. ["Fizz In A Can", "Goop In A Tube"]

{{ event.reorderable_product_titles }}


List all variant IDs of reorderable products
Array of numbers
e.g. [12345, 56789]

{{ event.reorderable_variant_ids }}


List all product product titles of reorderable products
Array of strings
e.g. ["6 Pack", "12 Pack"]

{{ event.reorderable_variant_titles }}

Use The Event To Trigger Email or SMS

Check out the Replenishment Reminder Play for step-by-step instructions on setting this up in any platform.

In Klaviyo

Select the "Repeat - Due To Replenish" metric as the trigger for a flow.

You can direct a customer to their personalized cart by adding the event's Repeat Cart URL property to the "Link address" field of an image, button, or text:

Copy and paste this snippet to the link address/URL field or into an SMS message (replace YOURWEBSITE.COM with your home page):

{{ event|lookup:"Repeat Cart URL"|default:"YOURWEBSITE.COM" }}

In Postscript

This event can be used to trigger an automation with Postscript's legacy automation builder. Select "Repeat: Due To Replenish" as the automation's trigger.

Add a link to the customer's Personalized Cart by adding this snippet to a message:


In Attentive

This event can be used to trigger a Journey in Attentive. Select "Repeat - Due To Replenish" as the Journey's trigger.

Add a link to the customer's Personalized Cart by adding this snippet to a message:

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